Social Responsibility

  In order to assume social responsibility, regulate employee ethics, protect the environment and safeguard employee health and safety, we have begun to implement the Business Alliance Code of Conduct (RBA). Our company would like to start from ourselves and influence people around us to act together.


  Hereby, our company guarantees:


  1. Comply with the laws and regulations promulgated by the Chinese national/regional government on social responsibility, ethics, environment and occupational health and safety.


  2、Comply with the terms and conditions stipulated by RBA and ISO14001.


  I. Environment


  1、Comply with the systems and standards required by national and regional government laws/regulations regarding the identification, evaluation, declaration, storage, and emission permits for environmentally impactful substances such as wastewater, waste gas, solid waste, hazardous waste, and noise;


  2、Reduce the consumption of resources such as water, electricity, paper, materials, and fuel, and reduce the generation of waste by adopting a systematic approach;


  3、Explore and develop methods to improve energy efficiency and minimise energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions;


  4. Ensure that no environmentally hazardous substances are used in the company's goods or services that exceed the prohibitions or controls imposed by laws, regulations, industry, and customer requirements.


  II. Labour


  Uphold the human rights of workers and understand and respect them. This applies to all workers, including temporary workers, foreign workers, student workers, contract workers, direct employees and any other types of workers.


  1. Employees enjoy the right to freely choose their occupation, and shall not recruit or accept people by means of threat, violence, abduction, fraud, etc., and shall not employ forced, bound, or contracted labourers, prison labourers of involuntary or exploitative nature, human trafficking, etc;


  2. Prohibit the use of child labour, and workers under the age of 18 (underage employees) shall not be engaged in types of work that may endanger their health or safety, including overtime and night work; and provide appropriate support and training for student workers;


  3. Ensure that employees' work and rest time comply with laws and regulations as well as RBA requirements, and allow employees to voluntarily choose to work overtime;


  4、Ensure that employees‘ wages are not lower than the local minimum wage standard; calculate and pay employees’ wages in accordance with laws and regulations; do not make punitive deductions from wages; and provide employees with benefits such as paid holidays, statutory holidays, sick leave, maternity leave and social insurance in accordance with laws and regulations.


  5. Ensure that all employees are treated with due respect and dignity, are not subject to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, and are not insulted, physically punished, beaten, illegally searched and detained, and are given humane treatment;


  6. No discrimination against candidates or employees on the basis of race, ethnicity, colour, sex, disability, pregnancy, political opinion, religion, trade union membership, marital status;


  7. Workers have the right to form and join trade unions freely.


  III. Health and Safety


  1、To ensure a safe and healthy working environment for employees through effective identification, evaluation and control of factors of safety hazards; to avoid exposing pregnant and lactating women to high-risk working environments;


  2、Identify and evaluate potential emergencies and events, formulate appropriate emergency plans and response protocols, and conduct regular training and drills;


  3、Prevent and manage workers' work-related injuries and diseases, and provide necessary medical services;


  4、Provide employees with safe and clean food and drinking water;


  5、Provide employees with suitable accommodation and allow them to have free access;


  6、Provide training for employees to ensure that they understand the various health and safety signs posted in the workplace.


  IV. Ethics


  1、Prohibit all employees and managers from soliciting or accepting kickbacks, bribes, embezzlement or other unlawful remuneration to achieve business integrity;


  2、Clearly prohibit any direct or indirect acquisition of business or benefits through illegal means such as bribery to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws;


  3, disclose information about business activities, structure, financial position and performance in accordance with applicable laws;


  4, respect intellectual property rights and protect the security of company, customer and supplier information;


  5, ensuring that adverts do not contain false or misleading elements and that they comply with fair trading and advertising laws;


  6, to provide employees with a pipeline to confidentially report suspected ethical misconduct, and to ensure that the identity of the whistleblower is kept confidential.


  V. Ensure that all gold, tantalum, tungsten, tin and other metals used in the electronics industry come from legal mining areas.


  Fifth. to protect the personal information of all those who have business dealings (including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees), the collection and transmission of personal information should comply with the requirements of laws and regulations related to privacy and information security.